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5 things to do before starting your Pet Business


If you are thinking of starting a Pet Business such as Dog Walking or Pet Sitting, Dog Grooming or Day Care, there are some things that you need to do before you start.

If you are currently in another job and taking the plunge soon, these are things you can be doing on your lunch break, or when your boss isn’t looking 😉


Gather some info on similar local businesses in your area.  What do they offer?  What do they charge?  This will help you when setting your own prices and noticing if there are any gaps in the market that you could fill.


Ok you can’t do this in your lunch break, but volunteering for animal charities or local dog rescue centres is such a great way to gain experience but also to showcase when you do start your business.  As well as make connections with those working in the pet industry.  The Cinnamon Trust is such a fab place to start, they match volunteers with elderly or ill people in their local area, enabling them to keep their pets at home but have someone come in and walk them. It is rewarding AND fab experience!


It’s a good idea to have a logo and name ready for when you start advertising.  Use your time to come up with some ideas, some colour schemes you like.  Be sure to check that you have a unique name that isn’t already being used.


This is a biggy that people often miss.  Work out exactly how much you need to earn a week / month to be able to cover your bills.  The quickest way for your business to fail is not being clear how much you NEED to earn.  If possible I highly suggest saving up as much money as possible to keep you going for at least a few months while your client base builds up.


Have a look for any courses you can do around starting a Pet Business or on animal behaviour.  The more you know before you start, the more equipped you will be to succeed!

If you want a step by step guide to starting a Dog Walking & Pet Sitting Business, click here to view our online course! We know how overwhelming it can be so let us take you through the process one step at a time.

Rachel x

P.S Grab a copy of the Business Success Plan below to help you get clear on your Business!

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