Its nearly lunch time she’ll be here soon. If I just wait here at the bottom of the stairs at the usual time I’ll see her coming to the door. I need to check that everything smells the same, where is she?? Oh hang on is that the door…. She’s here! Yippeeee, must control my excitement, must control my excitement, must control.… nope I can’t I’m gonna have to lick her face.
Right harness on, lead on, I’m ready! Open the door, open the door, open the door….. woo hoo walk time! Ahhh all the smells, hang on I’m sure that bush smells different today, who’s been here?? I’m gonna have to wee on that. Oops missed the bush. Well if you will stand in the way lady! Come on let’s go!
La la la oh what was that?? Squirrel! MUST GET SQUIRREL. I know I can’t climb trees lady but I can stare at it for 5 minutes can’t I? Maybe it will come down? Oh she wants to keep moving, maybe she wants to check the smells too, ok squirrel I’ll come back for you later.

So many smells so little time, come on lady hurry we need to get to the bridge.
Finally we’re at the top….aaah look at that view I can see for miles, it is beautiful. Hang on she’s taking photos of me again she thinks I haven’t noticed. Let me just give her my best pose in case these photos go on the internet like the last ones. My mum always tells me I’m beautiful, I reckon I could model for doggy Vogue.

Oh my gosh there’s another human coming towards us, she looks nice, I wonder if she’d like a hug, I think she would. Hey lady, want a hug? Yeah ya do! Yes managed to lick her face too, I think she liked it cos she’s smiling, or is that laughing? Same thing. Why’s my walking buddy apologising, who wouldn’t want a hug from me?!
Dum de dum…Oh what do we have here…another dog on my patch…don’t think so mate. WOOF! That told him….
Looks like we’re turning back home now, we can’t have been an hour already! I am a bit peckish though. Right back home, I’m gonna pull out the puppy dog eyes so she feels sorry for me and stays a bit longer. She won’t be able to resist. Harness off, paws dried aaaaand zoomies!! Ok enough of that I’m worn out now.
I think she’s going now she’s putting her back-pack back on and talking in that strange soppy high pitched voice. There she goes again telling me how beautiful I am and looking forward to seeing me tomorrow. I’ve always been a ladies man. Yawn I’m pooped, think I’ll finish my lunch and have a snooze. Same time tomorrow lady!