Let’s go into the New Year with 2020 vision & start the year stress free!
How was it for you?
I don’t know about you but 2019 for me was a bit of a blur! It’s so easy to look back and think “well I haven’t come very far”, or feel disappointed because you’re not where you thought you’d be or not as far along in your journey compared to others around you. It’s easy to feel down that you lost 3 customers but how many did you gain?
Take the time to really look back at your successes and the hard stats and you’ll most likely find you HAVE come further and achieved more than you think. Here’s a few stats to look at:
New Customers – how many new customers have you gained in 2019
Reviews – how many lovely reviews did you receive (extremely important!)
Profit – did you reach your financial goals and did you make more than previous years
Number of followers across your social media – have you increased your visibility
BONUS TIP – Remember these are only important if they are your REAL target audience & are potential paying customers!
Reset & De-Stress
To most of us a New Year symbolises a fresh start, a new look, drawing a line under the last year, or a big old reset. This is a fab opportunity to really take a look at your business to enable you to see where you could make changes or where you could implement new processes to make your life easier.
How do we do this?
One way is by getting extremely clear (2020 vision clear!) on the struggles and stresses of 2019 so we know what needs to change or be tweaked. Think about:
Your biggest struggle – what really affected you or caused you the most stress in the running of your business?
What took up most of your time?
What kept you awake at night and caused you the most anxiety?
I’ll be running a Reset & De – Stress your Pet Business challenge in January where together we will get super clear on all those little details that we make really complicated or cause us stress, and discover what and where we can make changes.
End result = Less stress + more time & energy to focus on our furry customers!
Let’s make a promise to ourselves now to go into the New Year with 2020 vision and start the year stress free! Rachel x